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What are Defi tokens?

DeFi tokens A new world of cryptocurrency-based protocols that aim to reproduce traditional financial-system functions (lending and saving, insurance, trading) has emerged in recent years. These protocols issue tokens that perform a wide variety of functions but can also be traded or held like any other cryptocurrency.

What are tokens and how do they work?

Tokens have a huge range of potential functions, from helping make decentralized exchanges possible to selling rare items in video games. But they can all be traded or held like any other cryptocurrency. “Token” is a word that you hear a lot in cryptocurrency.

What are Microsoft ID tokens?

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols on the Microsoft identity platform ID tokens are JSON web tokens (JWT). These ID tokens consist of a header, payload, and signature. The header and signature are used to verify the authenticity of the token, while the payload contains the information about the user requested by your client.

Can ID tokens be used for authorization purposes?

ID tokens should not be used for authorization purposes. Access tokens are used for authorization. The claims provided by ID tokens can be used for UX inside your application, as keys in a database, and providing access to the client application. The following article will be beneficial before going through this article:

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